Tania Heer and René-Marie Meigan
Tania Heer - Info
Was born in Porto Seguro (Bahia, Brazil)
Lives in Lyon, France
Works as tango dancer & translator
Speaks Spanish, English, French and Portuguese
Pretends she can speak Greek and fakes Italian really well
Tania's roots
Tania is a dancer, translator and epicurean. She started dancing tango in early 2012 during a semester of independent studies in Buenos Aires and has been in love with it ever since. Tango came as a rediscovery of a life-long passion that had been left aside during her schooling; as she studied tap, capoeira and classical ballet through the Royal Academy of Dancing program for over ten years.
Since 2012 T's embarked (->vállalkozik, elkezd) on a search for self-improvement and worked with a number of established maestros including Horacio Godoy, Moira Castellano, Corina Herrera, Ruben & Sabrina Véliz, Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sánchez, Sebastián Jimenez, Maria Ines Bogado, Ines Muzzopappa and many more.
Tango also plays well with her gripping need of discovery and has opened the doors even further for an already experienced traveller, who now has an extra reason to go travel the world.
Tania is currently teaching in Lyon with René-Marie (The LABOTANGO).
René-Marie Meignan - Info
Was born in Toulon (France)
Lives in Lyon, France
Works as tango dancer & theater director
Speaks English, French, German
Pretends he is almost always right... and that is almost always true ;)
René-Marie's roots
René-Marie was born in a theatre, into a family of artists : actors, theatre directors, musicians, painters, dancers… His youth resonates with the live arts: drama, music and dance. His different artistic experiences have led him to travel the world and it is Berlin that he discovers himself and learns the Argentine tango, notably with Matias Facio andIsmael Ludman. He then developed his dance concept with masters such as Corina Herrera Horacio Godoy, Moira Castellano, Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne, Ruben & Sabrina Veliz, Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez, Carlitos Espinoza & Noelia Hurtado, Mariano Chicho Frumboli & Juana Sepulveda.
René-Marie is part of the new generation of dancers that represents tango in Europe today. He teaches regular workshop cycles in France and Switzerland as well as the LABOTANGO in Lyon with Tania. In addition to his activities in theatre directing within his company La Mer est ton Miroir, he participates in the organisation of the Alchemie Tango Festival in Prague.
His dance draws from a great musicality an energy that is both intense and sensitive.